Price variesWe designed these on-trail mountain bike clinics for experienced riders who want to progress their skills. Intermediate, advanced, and expert riders will benefit from personal coaching on the Gunnison Valley's best trails. For these clinics, we skip the parking lot drills and shred straight to the trails. SCRUMP time!
2024 Schedule
4-WEEK MAY & JUNE SESSIONS: Combination of Gunnison and Crested Butte trails.
Thursday evenings. Each session runs 2+ hours, from 5 to 7’ish PM.
Session 1 – May 9, 16, 23, 30.
Session 2 – June 4, 11, 18, 25.
Focus: Tuning up and advancing technical skills for riders with prior coaching experience. Topics include a personal assessment of fundamentals, dynamic body position, contact points, vision, mindset, down-pressure, unweighting, cornering, wheel lifts, obstacles, rock gardens, and line choices for speed and efficiency.
Focus: Pre-Loading, Wheel Lifts, Vertical Bike-Body Separation, Vision
So you’re a 401 Rockstar, but maybe not-so-much at the Dirt Jumps. You wanna impress your friends when you head to A-Line at Whistler, so let’s elevate your jumping skills.
We’ll meet at the Town of Crested Butte Dirt Jumps, behind the school.
July A-La-Carte Trail Sessions
ROCKIN’ ROCK GARDENS: Downhill techniques for loose and steep downhill terrain
Focus: Calm Vision Amidst the Chaos, Dynamic Body Position, Optimizing Line Choice
Your Strava times are pretty good, but you slow down and fall a little behind on the steepest and nastiest trails? Not loving the rock gardens? We’re here to help you make sense out of the chaos and fall in love with chunky trails!
We’ll meet at the Canal Trailhead on Brush Creek Road, 10AM.
GRUNTIN’ & GRINNIN’ on GREEN LAKE: Tackling steep strenuous climbs and navigating tight technical downhills with control.
Focus: Efficient Line Choice, Switchback Techniques, Brake Timing
Straight from downtown Crested Butte, the Green Lake trail offers one of the most strenuous and technical trails around. Intermediate riders can’t imagine how it’s possible, advanced riders struggle, and expert riders can’t get enough! Coach Eddy will unlock the secrets so you can join the elite ranks of those who love to ride the Green Lake Trail.
We’ll meet at the Nordic Center Parking Lot, 10AM.
Focus: Vision, Line Choices, Braking, Vertical Compliance
Your foundations are solid, ready to hit most local trail features. You maintain good posture. You modulate the brakes well. Let’s raise the fun-factor and UNLOCK FLOW IN TECHNICAL TERRAIN! Flow, efficiency, and our safety come from the split-second choices we make on the trail, so we’ll session trail segments to find the magic recipe.
We’ll meet on Taylor River Road, at the 2nd Buttress Parking Lot, near the bottom of Doctor Park Trail at 9AM. From there we will shuttle up the Roaring Judy Road for an epic adventure over the Cement Mountain trail, down Rosebud, then on to Doctor Park.
Focus: Posture/Control/Efficiency Balance, Suspension Setup, Choose Safe/Smooth/Fun Lines, Manage Pace, Improve Your Mental Game
What’s better, the “Fast Line Smooth? or the Smooth Line Fast?” Today you can try both and learn for yourself what’s your winning Enduro strategy. Like nothing else in Colorado – this epic double shuttle plunges over 7,000′ of descending.
We’ll meet at the 4-way parking lot in Crested Butte to load the shuttle rig at 7AM. We’ll drive to Monarch Pass. 1st Lap on Green’s Creek, 2nd Lap on Fooses Creek. Plan for a big day!